Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Like the sands in the hourglass, these are the days of our lives. For the past year I've my life's been more like a rock pool. Warm and salty? Hmm, what I meant was.. an ever-changing environment where things come and go.

What the hell, get to damn party reports I hear you shout. What is FortunePalace if not a warm & salty haven for deviate exploits? Well my friends, allow me a moment of reflections, introspections, and um.. erections?

Twas my 25th birthday last weekend and nothing seemed more appropriate than going to Eurotrash bar - considering thats what I was for 6 months. Now apparently you may need to actually *book* your functions here - you can imagine the confused door-troll that kept letting people in for 'Stus Unbooked Shindig'. But let them he did, and shin we dug.

Eurotrash for the uninitiated is a 3-level russian-kitch bar that plays funky electro. Grab someone special (or not so, lifes short after all) and head to one of the weird makey-outey booths that play fetish porn on a private screen. Now I didnt know these existed, nor had I seen women from the 80's repeatedly blow cigarette smoke onto each others naked privates. But as you might have guessed, it was as if all my birthdays had cum at once.

As is customary, I've sprinkled this post with some pics of us dirty, dirty Euros in *ackshun*

This heralds the return of FortunePalace by the way. I know its been in hibernation so to speak, serving merely as a diversion to the Cave, but relax max/maxine, I shall be filling your browser with Stu-inspired mayhem on a regular basis once again.

Thanks to everyone that came along, for those that tried but got lost. As for those that bailed - I really didnt want you there anyway ;)


At 23 May, 2007 10:21, Blogger ManicLovely said...

Alright a post! Alright a thing I was at!

Shall you be posting really unflattering photos of us at Pharmacy this fri? No, that's right I will have to wait another million years for a post:( *sulks

At 26 May, 2007 20:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's about time Mister!



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