Thursday, October 19, 2006

Moonshine Baby

‘What does that sign say?’
‘Straat 8’
‘And the one before?’
‘Straat 7. And before that, Straat 6 & Straat 5.’
‘I have a horrible feeling Straat 1 is in the other direction.’
‘Mother #@*&$%!!’

So, two fiends and I had walked a beach for 45 minutes the wrong way. Talk about logistically challenged. Fast forward another hour and we spot a lone source of light ahead on the beach. The night sky is dark, but a full moon is beaming down at us. The roof of the party tent is a rainbow of visual lights (even at this distance) and all our weary aches melt away as we realise we made it. Woot!

With the help of various enhancements, the party truly begins (hell, I am the party anyways right? :D) and I found myself out of the tent and on the beach dancing. Gale force winds were blowing, the sea was crashing on the sand, the moon beaming down - glorious. Some Dutch guy came out yelling ‘Duuude, its freezing out here – I think you should go inside man!’ Well, I wont repeat my answer here, but needless to say I said in no uncertain terms that:
a) I couldn’t feel the cold
b) My fellow party-goers should be out here too or else be labelled ‘he of no backbone’
c) He should move out the way or be hit by my wild dancing

A friend lit up his fire-poi and enjoyed the fresh air with me. I borrowed some glow-poi and did an impromptu performance with them. Basically, I fell in love with these glowing balls of light. We examined them closely and decided these were little worlds in our hands, and we wouldn’t give them up for anyone. Unfortunately, they didn’t belong to us. When the good-spirited guy who did came to retrieve them, I ran into the distance maniacally swinging them above my head yelling ‘just TRY to take them off me, eeeehehehehe’. Ahem. Eventually I did give them back, and feel bad for my actions. But hey, who can resist little glowing worlds. Not I, good sir, not I.


Ever watch the twilight zone? They usually depict a scene where normal people are doing normal things, until this horrible *creeeeeeeenk* (insert scary noise) moment when they realise things just got weird. That happens on acid. People were dressed up in tribal clothes with face paint and feather in their hair (no really) and when I saw them they were these ancient figures dancing and chanting (again, they may well have been). All this under a full moon, I decided I should take off my shirt on the beach and be filled with lunar energies. I know, I know, I’ve joined the sweaty ranks of guys that rip off their shirts but this was different, I swear! (Blush) Brushing everyone in a stinking hot club with your sweaty body and being alone on a beach are quite different... I hope.

Afterwards, when we were less energetic and fully clothed, we trekked back. We arrived at this deserted town, where literally no people were to be found. The place was deserted. One of many twilight zone moments that night. We saw hotel in the distance, and thought ‘hmm, that should be open right?’ With some trepidation we tip-toed on red carpet and through golden revolving doors into a 5 star resort. Still deserted mind you. A somewhat startled reception girl called us a cab, and we strolled along ruby carpet into a white Mercedes taxi. Nothing like being chauffeured to a train station while looking like tribal zombies. Did I mention I’m enjoying the Netherlands? :)


At 19 October, 2006 02:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just chauffeured. But chauffeured by the most knowledgeable dutchman on the planet.

At 20 October, 2006 14:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poi boi, keep your hands on your own balls and stop playing with others'. Either way here's to a great night of wild tribal dancing and ball-swinging.

At 20 October, 2006 19:05, Blogger ManicLovely said...

Hmmm i was pretty undecided about braving the acid train again this earthcore and I can safely say that your post did nothing to clarify my decision:)


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