Wednesday, April 19, 2006

When Nature Calls

A couple of months ago I was approached by a random at a train station. One thing lead to another, and on the Easter weekend I trekked into the Alpine Ranges to a remote cabin with said random and her 'friends'. Most people wouldnt so readily put their lives in the hands of complete strangers, and truth be told I might think twice next time...

The sanity of this group has to be questioned for starters. I'm all for exploring new places (both geographically and anatomically) but the following kill my sense of adventure:

-driving 6 hours in a stuffy car
-being a passenger with people who drive dangerously like children
-listening to terrible 80's music (not the 'so bad its good' kind, but the truly tragic)
-being spoken to in weird mock voices (which aren't actually mock at all, just real freakazoid personalities)

Also, if asked for a preference, I prefer people not to stalk me outside the toilet in the middle of the night in their underwear.

Phew, venting is good for the soul.

Seriously though the weekend was a lot of fun. The weather was great, beautiful sunshine just warm enough to take the mountain chill off. We visited ancient cabins and read the logbook where many an insane adventurer had scribbled their last thoughts as the storms took their lives. I detailed a steamy fictional encounter complete with warning about the stickyness of the wooden bunk - no doubt the next school group to pass through will get a nice sex education lesson. We were covered in snowflakes and wondered whether we'd share a shallow grave, only to rejoice as we again found our car (there is a God! or at least 'God of Protecting Impractically Dressed Travellers').

Aforementioned insane group were also good value. Not dissimiliar to high school camps, many pranks and hijinx were afoot as most bedroom doorways were blocked by everything from Jenga Towers, ironing boards, clothes stands, couches, . Hardcore marshmallow fights took place consisting of 'flash bangs' (via digi-cams), commando rolls and prisoners of war. Disgusting shooters of 'chocolate pineapple bourbon' were drunk, while our stamina was kept intact thanks to the nutritional value of fatty nachos. With three couples there were more than one 'bump' in the night to be heard, much to the disdain of the singles (although we suspect they secretly like to listen - and tried hiding in the wardrobe on more than one occasion).

Ever have that dream where you're in a massive underground torture hallway being chased by demons with pins in their heads?
Yeah well, I am that demon.

All in all, a trip worthy of blog notation. Although the next person to suggest an alpine trek gets a punch in the face.


At 19 April, 2006 22:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not bad, Stu, not bad at all. You managed to evade all attempts to drive you insane, kill you and then hide your body in the mountains after perverse rites are performed with it - and better yet, you chalked them down to mere annoyances (you think the terrible 80's music was played because someone had bad taste?).
But we'll get you yet. Someday when you're least expecting it. So be afraid, Stu. Be very afraid.

At 21 April, 2006 14:29, Blogger ManicLovely said...

Ha ha, very amusing.
Pineapple chocolate bourban would've been the worst bit I think.

At 23 June, 2006 21:17, Blogger ManicLovely said...

Uh! Update the fuckin thing or I'll completely lose faith in this shindig!

At 06 July, 2006 23:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Good luck in your endeavors!

At 31 July, 2006 16:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh... spam has made it to blogspot. What is the world comming to?



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